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Baytul-Mal | House of Wealth

We believe in taking action with urgency and care to serve those who need us most. Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a measurable difference in the lives of others. It’s time to make real change.

Answer the call of Zakat and make a difference in the face of the Muslim Poverty Crisis.

Extend a helping hand to uplift struggling Muslims in your community.

  • Over 1 million Muslims in the UK, are estimated to be living in poverty 


  • Studies have shown that the poverty rate among Muslim households in the UK is higher than the national average, with nearly 46% of Muslim children living in poverty 


  • According to the Trussell Trust, a leading UK food bank network, the number of Muslims accessing food banks has increased by 93% in recent years.


  • Every year, millions of pounds in Zakat contributions are distributed by UK-based Muslim charities to provide essential aid and support to Muslims facing financial hardships.


  • By directing your Zakat towards local initiatives and organizations, you can directly impact the lives of Muslims in the UK, providing them with the means to overcome poverty and build a better future for themselves and their families.

Where does your Zakat go?

We provide zakat payments to individuals in the UK who are in need of financial assistance. â€‹â€‹

We ensure that every zakat payment is distributed to those who are eligible, in accordance with Islamic principles.​​


No zakat is used for running the organisation.

[Quran 9:104]

"Take From their wealth charity, [thereby] cleaning and purifying them."

What is Zakaat?

It’s linguistic meaning is purity and growth. Allah, Glorified is He, called the obligatory charity Zakat because it purifies one and causes one’s wealth to grow.


He most High said, ‘Take From their wealth charity, [thereby] cleaning and purifying them.’ [Quran 9:104].


Zakat is the third pillar of Islam, and is the transfer of possession of a certain portion of one’s wealth, from a certain type of wealth, to a certain type of person, all for the sake of Allah Most High. 

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